Tokyo Policy Review

UTokyo Campus


TPR publishes articles on a variety of policy issues that aim to showcase the best work, insights, and experience of our authors, from within the GraSPP community and beyond!

  1. The Policy Challenge of Digital Preservation

    INTRODUCTION It is an understatement to say that massive advancements in digital media and content technologies have thus-far been some of the most crucial technological developments of the 21st century. Between software for either professional or…

    Aug 25 2023, Michael Medina

  2. Technology Assessment and Social Media: The Twitter Problem

    INTRODUCTION The purchase and managerial overhaul of Twitter by Elon Musk, perhaps the most-discussed tech industry event of 2022, is more than just a corporate-concerned issue. Musk’s purchase of the platform, one of the most crucial in the global…

    Aug 24 2023, Michael Medina

  3. Clinical Labor: Outsourced Drug Trials in Rural India

    INTRODUCTION Today, production networks have become increasingly decentralized due to globalization. One key method that global corporations use to diffuse their production process is outsourcing. At times, such outsourcing could take on a more…

    Jun 30 2023, Arivarun Anbualagan

  4. 'Soft Landing' of Chinese local government debt: Incentives and policy solutions.

    INTRODUCTION Fluctuations in China's housing market would inevitably induce both direct and indirect shocks to the ever-expanding local government debt. To ensure the sustainability of the local government budgetary system and reduce the related…

    Jun 28 2023, Yijin Wang

  5. Should US Forces Withdraw From Bases In East Asia?

    INTRODUCTION The US has over 800 military bases in more than 70 countries (Glaser, 2017). In the Asia Pacific area, there are 49 major bases and more than 154,000 active-duty military personnel, 330,000 if you include civilians (Glaser, 2017). US…

    Jun 27 2023, Livia Sapochetti

  6. Why the European Union’s move towards a more threat-based cybersecurity approach encourages member state cyber resilience.

    INTRODUCTION This study reviews the effectiveness of current EU cybersecurity implementations in encouraging member state cyber resilience by considering them against: Readiness, Resilience, and Strategic Engagement. It is imperative to evaluate…

    Jun 26 2023, Lauranne Finney

  7. Domestic Interests and China’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East

    INTRODUCTION What explains China’s behaviour in the Middle East? China’s policies in the Middle East are typically explained via its need for energy resources. The Middle East, particularly the oil-rich Gulf states, have been major suppliers of…

    May 06 2022, Teoh Xinyi

  8. Are China-U.S. relations heading towards some kind of “new Cold War”?

    With the rise of China, journalists, academics and policy practitioners have invoked the old label “Cold War” to describe the strategic competition between the United States (U.S.) and China. 1 While the label may bring familiarity to simplify the…

    Apr 25 2022, Jaydn Nolan

  9. How does Infrastructure Interact with the Rest of the Economy? A Quantitative Study on ASEAN

    Since its establishment in 1967, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has undergone a major transformation into one of the world's fastest-growing economies. With an annual growth rate projected at more than 5.5% per annum, ASEAN is…

    Sep 25 2021, Febtina Setia Retnani

  10. Too Tight To Thrive? A Study On Online Shareholder Meetings in China

    BENEFITS AND RISKS OF ONLINE SHAREHOLDER MEETINGS Online shareholder meetings (OSM) are shareholder meetings held fully online. Various factors like dispersed shares, unforeseen emergencies (including the current pandemic), rising agency costs, and…

    Sep 24 2021, Rongjie Fang

  11. What Now for a Hong Kong Identity? Hong Kong Nationalism and the National Security Law

    What does the term ‘nation’ mean to Hongkongers? Many Hongkongers are asking themselves, ‘Who am I?’ and seeking to define the elements that contribute to the self-identification of a ‘Hongkonger.’ In recent years, contentious politics have been a…

    Sep 23 2021, Gabriel Lei

  12. FONOPs in the South China Sea: Efficient Deterrence or Misled Strategy?

    The past decade has been characterized by the rising influence of China in Asia-Pacific and the U.S. who continues to seek to be a major influence in the region. Both sides have tried to achieve this goal through deployments of their navies and this…

    Sep 22 2021, Jeremy Lau


Tokyo Policy Review

The Tokyo Policy Review is an independent publication run by graduate students at the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Public Policy. All views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not represent the official views of the University of Tokyo, the Graduate School of Public Policy, the Tokyo Policy Review, or any of its affliates. All errors remain the author's own.